Family Sagas Through the Ages
Just how important to you is your writing future? A question that can only be answered individually, so perhaps first ask yourself this. Do I have somewhere comfortable and familiar to work where I can construct my initial idea into a saleable product - and not be interrupted?
If the answer is yes, then make yourself a cuppa and go there. Allow yourself time to gaze into space or mooch around for a pencil or download your favourite blog. When all this is enjoyed and over, then think about your idea. Write the theme out in one sentence and then begin your outline. Go from Chapter One to Chapter Thirty, for instance. Remember, no dull starts, no saggy middles and no unsatisfactory ends!
So let's reflect on what we have so far; a saleable idea in its correct genre, a central figure who will be your viewpoint character and a well-developed plot outline. Then comes the moment of truth. Simply, beginning. Slot your magic into place, loving the fact that the next nine months or year or even two years, will be consumed by story telling. How amazing is that?
Just remember, if you're a writer, you'll always be drawn back here to your space. You may not offer complete loyalty to your niche, but allow yourself leeway. Ignore the puppet master of the darker sub conscious and enter your light-filled, wonderful, writerly brain with courage. Believe in yourself, follow a worthy plan and all your dreams will come true.
All my love,
Carol R X
Christmas Child is a seasonal read for all saga lovers and Christmas is just a few months away! Perhaps you are already thinking of your plot and publishing plan? Why not check out this historical family drama and see how history provides all the material you'll need.